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主持国家自然基金3项、江西省自然科学基金和企业产学研等项目10余项,获教育部高等学校优秀成果奖(科技进步奖)二等奖1项、江西省技术发明二等奖1项、江西省科学技术进步二等奖1项,江西省高校科技成果一等奖2项,江西省教学成果二等奖1项。在Journal of Magnesium and AlloysCorrosion ScienceApplied Surface ScienceMaterials Science and Engineering A等国内外重要学术杂志上发表论文70余篇,获授权国家发明专利23项;担任国家自然科学基金通讯评议人、江西省、湖南省科技厅科技项目评审专家,十余家国际期刊审稿人,江西省锻压协会秘书长,江西省模具协会副理事长,江西省机械工程学会锻压分会常务理事。



1. 超低微合金化高强韧铝硅铜合金的强韧化机制研究,国家自然科学基金,2024-2027

2. 稀土金属间化合物对Mg-Al系镁合金腐蚀行为的影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金,2020-2023

3. 新型纳米稀土相在铝硅合金中的形成、演化规律及其强化机制,国家自然科学基金,2015-2017

4. 江西省赣鄱俊才支持计划--主要学科学术和技术带头人--领军人才(产学研类),2024-2026

5. 低温高韧PPR管材材料开发与产业化应用,产学研项目,2023-2024

6. 再生铝合金新材料及制品,产学研项目2019-2023

7. 复杂薄壁不锈钢精密铸件的研究开发,产学研项目,2019-2022

8. AlxRE金属间化合物可控制备、电化学特性及其对镁合金的腐蚀影响机制,江西省自然科学基金面上项目2017-2018

9. 江西省青年科学家培养对象计划,2015-2018

10. 高能超声原位合成耐热镁合金及其力学性能研究,江西省自然科学基金,2015-2016


1. Chen Y, Xia G.M(*), Yan H, Xin Y, Song H.G, Luo C, Guan H.Y, Luc C, Hu Z(*). Visualising the adsorption behaviour of sodium dodecyl sulfate corrosion inhibitor on the Mg alloy surface by a novel fluorescence labeling strategy. Applied Surface Science. 2024, 642: 158624.

2. Song H.G, Xu Z.D, Benabou L, Yin Z, Guan H.Y, Yan H, Luo C, Hu Z(*), Wang X.D(*). Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as an effective corrosion inhibitor for Mg-8Li-3Al alloy in aqueous NaCl: a combined experimental and theoretical investigation[J]. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2023, 11(1): 287-300

3. Shi Z.P, He R.H, ChenY, Yan H, Song H.G, Luo C, Nie Q, Hu Z(*). Microstructural evolution and strengthening mechanisms of a novel Al-11Si-3Cu alloy microalloyed with minor contents of Sr and Sc[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2022, 853: 143738.

4. Shen J.P, Lai Tao, Yin Z, Wang K, Yan H, Song H.G, Liu R.L, Luo C(*), Hu Z(*). In-situ AFM and quasi-in-situ studies for localized corrosion of Mg-9Al-1Fe-(Gd) alloys under 3.5 wt. % NaCl environment[J]. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.jma.2022.06.016.

5. Yin Z, He R.H, Chen Y, Yin Z, Yan K, Wang K, Yan H, Song H.G, Yin C.X, Guan H.Y, Luo C, Hu Z(*), Luc C. Effects of surface micro–galvanic corrosion and corrosive film on the corrosion resistance of AZ91–xNd alloys[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 536: 147761.

6. Hu Z, Yin Z, Yin Z, Wang K, Liu Q.D, Sun P.F, Yan H, Song H.G, Luo C(*), Guan H.Y, Luc C. Corrosion behavior characterization of as extruded Mg-8Li-3Al alloy with minor alloying elements (Gd, Sn and Cu) by scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy[J]. Corrosion Science, 2020, 176: 108923.

7. Sun P.F, Dong Z, Chen Y, Yan H , Luo C, Song H.G, Hu Z(*). Characterization of Ni coating layer of Al2O3 particles and their wettability behavior in Al2O3@Ni/Al-10Si composites[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 526: 146660.

8. Hu Z, Yin Z, Yin Z, Tang B.B, Huang X, Yan H, Song H.G, Luo C(*), Chen X.H(*). Influence of Sm addition on microstructural and mechanical properties of as-extruded Mg-9Li-5Al alloy[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 842: 155836.

9. Hu Z(*), Liu R.L), Kairy S.K, Li X, Yan H, Birbilis N. Effect of the Sm additions on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of magnesium alloy AZ91[J]. Corrosion Science, 2019, 149: 144-152.

10. Yin Z, Chen Y, Yan H, Zhou G.H, Wu X.Q, Hu Z(*). Effects of the second phases on corrosion resistance of AZ91-xGd alloys treated with ultrasonic vibration[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 783: 877-885.


E-mail: huzhi@ncu.edu.cn

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