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[1] 国家自然科学基金项目,现场失效数据与耗损因素数据融合驱动的家用光伏空调系统及其零部件的可靠性研究(72361021),2024.1-2027.12

[2] 国家自然科学基金项目,基于性能退化影响因素区域聚类的光伏组件现场可靠性评估预测理论及其应用研究(720710992021.1-2024.12

[3] 国家自然科学基金项目,小批量定制生产的潜在工艺设计失效模式的机器识别与风险评估(71661023),2017.1-2020.12

[4] 广东美的制冷设备有限公司委托项目,变频空调可靠性预计与分配技术研究,2021.05-2022.12


[1] Research on dust deposition of PV modules based on three-dimensional numerical simulation and its application in installation parameter optimization [J]Journal of Cleaner Production2023423138743IF 11.1.

[2] Product feature sentiment analysis based on GRU-CAP considering Chinese sarcasm recognition[J]Expert Systems With Applications2023241122512IF 8.5.

[3] A study on the reuse of remanufacturing assembly processes through the integration of multiple sources of information[J]Journal of Cleaner Production2023423138660 IF 11.1.

[4] Failure mode risk assessment methodology for controlling multi-uncertainties in the evaluation process[J]Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence2022116105470IF 7.8.

[5] A method for determining the applicable geographical regions of PV modules field reliability assessment results based on regional clustering of environmental factors and their weights [J]Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments202253102620IF 7.6.

[6] Machine Identification of Potential Manufacturing Process Failure Modes Based on Process Constituent Elements [J]Advanced Engineering Informatics202251101491IF 7.8.

[7] Data-driven multi-objective affective product design integrating three-dimensional form and color [J]Neural Computing and Applications2022 3418):15835-15861IF 5.1.

[8] Data-driven affective product design using complete three-dimensional surface data [J]Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems2022425437-5455IF 1.7.

[9] Manufacturing process similarity measurement model and application based on process constituent elements[J]International Journal of Production Research20215914),4205–4227IF 8.6.

[10]  Research on optimum tilt angle of photovoltaic module based on regional clustering of influencing factors of power generation[J]International Journal of Energy Research2021457):11002-11017IF 5.2.

[11] Literature review and prospect of the development and application of FMEA in manufacturing industry[J]International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology20211125):1409-1436IF 3.2.

[12] Regional Clustering of China Mainland and Its Application Based on the Factors Affecting Field Reliability of Photovoltaic Module [J]Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews20201331103391-10IF 12.1.

[13] 基于使用可靠性区域粒度的产品保修期优化决策[J],计算机集成制造系统,2020261):92-102.

[14] Failure mode and effects analysis by integrating Bayesian fuzzy assessment number and extended gray relational analysis‐technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method[J]. Quality and Reliability Engineering International20193506):1676-1697IF 1.4.

[15] 基于使用可靠性的产品区域保修差别定价策略系统动力学模型[J],系统工程理论与实践,2019391):236-250.


[1] 基于OBE人才培养模式的本科教学质量管理体系重构[J]国家教育行政学院学报,20211076-87.

[2] 基于过程要素模型的新工科专业建设质量分析与评价[J],高等工程教育研究,2019,(1):34-40.

[3] 基于目标过程功能结构关系的课程质量评价研究[J],国家教育行政学院学报,20197):34-40.

[4] 基于人才培养全过程的创新创业课程体系建设研究[J]国家教育行政学院学报,201788-14.

[5] 本科人才培养的知识生态系统属性及运行机制[J]国家教育行政学院学报,20161219-24.

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